
Front page


Site under construction…


— and, considering the amplitude and complexity of its object; bearing in mind it is being conceived and constructed as a location to gather relevant documentation, and a wide open space for historical and philosophical analysis and debate, it is clearly assumed that it will always remain an unfinished project…




Personal note:


I initiated Ideas of Progress website some time ago. However, along with the deep historic and philosophical studies and researches involved, I had to start it by learning (almost from zero) how to cope with «Wordpress»’ basic tools…

So being, this is a project in its very beginning, meaning:

  • some fundamental ideas along with other important aspects of its subject are still missing, waiting for my time and skill to insert them;
  • its design (main structural frame, menus and sub-menus) is not definitive, and can be deeply changed to a more appropriate one.


Article 20
1- Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
2- No one may be compelled to belong to an association.